linking back to

My lab:
I've just uploaded a video to a new site which is being developed with support from The Public Library of Science (PLoS), The National Science Foundation (NSF) and The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC): SciVee.
The video supplements our publication on spontaneous behavior in PLoS One in May of this year. In the video I explain how the equipment works that we used for our experiments and briefly go over the main results and conclusions of the study. The video also links to some portions of the text and you can access the paper right from the page with the video.
From the "about" page:
SciVee is about the free and widespread dissemination and comprehension of science. SciVee, created for scientists, by scientists, moves science beyond the printed word and lecture theater taking advantage of the internet as a communication medium where scientists young and old have a place and a voice.
PLoS One online community manager Coturnix (aka Bora Zivkovic) from Scienceblogs has an interesting post with some more information on SciVee. It was Bora who also alerted me to this new site.

Head on over and take a look at the video! Be sure to leave some comments as well.
I also have a high-resolution version without any links to the paper on (36MB windows media format).

Posted on Wednesday 22 August 2007 - 16:12:13 comment: 0

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