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My lab:
I've just resubmitted (to PLoS Biology) my latest manuscript on how operant and classical components interact to accomplish the generation effect in flies and other animals. I've received plenty of constructive criticism from four outside reviewers which I think I've been able to address appropriately. After the resubmission, I decided to dare and also submit it to the new pre-print server from the Nature Publishing group, Nature Precedings. Now you can access the manuscript, all figures and supplemental information and leave votes and feedback there. Let me know what you think and how I could improve the paper before it finally is published. The paper is entitled:
Mushroom-bodies mediate hierarchical interactions between fact- and skill-learning in Drosophila.
Oh yes, and the PDF file is a package of separate PDF files. Apparently, this is a comparatively new feature from Adobe Acrobat. Please let me know if you have any problems viewing it.

P.S.: Stay tuned for a SciVee pubcast for this study. I've got one in preparation which is going to blow you away!
Posted on Wednesday 05 September 2007 - 16:06:36 comment: 0

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