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My lab:
What we want to do here in Bill Kristan's lab at UCSD is to visualize the activity of all the neurons in a part of the nervous system called the buccal ganglia of the marine snail Aplysia. To this end, I need to reach two initial goals: one is to reproduce the effect we got a year ago (we artificially manipulated the voltage of a neuron and visualized this voltage change), the other is to record from at least one of the motor nerves exiting the ganglia, so we know when there is ongoing, patterned activity in the ganglia. So far, I've managed to record from the nerve in the imaging set-up ("rig"), but the visualization hasn't worked, yet. But I'm sure we can get it to work within the next day or two and then the real experiments start!
Posted on Friday 19 May 2006 - 02:46:37 comment: 0

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