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My lab:
Oh no! Went out with a pal last night. Had a great time and a few beers too many. Woke up slightly hung over, not too bad though. I'm positive it is entirely unrelated that my entire morning preparation went completely down the drain: first I butcher the dissection, then I break the electrode with which I wanted to record from the motor nerve; then it takes me ages to make a new one. Finally, after lunch I'm trying to sign out the van I've been using to drive to Scripps to get the animals and it's been signed out 10 minutes earlier for 1.5 hours! So I'm sitting here waiting for the van to return so I can continue working. In the meantime, I've made new electrodes, rinsed my equipment and got everything poised and ready for the time I bring the next Aplysia in. This one I'm gonna get right this time!
Posted on Friday 19 May 2006 - 22:47:43 comment: 0

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