linking back to

My lab:

In December we submitted a manuscript to PLoS One where we present our analysis on trajectory data of walking Drosophila fruit flies. We have developed software that uses generic webcams to capture the position of the animal and tracks it during the experiment. The data (coordinates and time) are then stored in text format, the video information is discarded We have also developed a suite of evaluation algorithms that calculate a set of metrics from the trajectory, such as its composition in activity bouts and pauses, average speed, curvature/linearity, how closely the animal tracks landmarks, several metrics on occupancy and transitions, etc. All of this software is open source and available from The tracker is written in C and the analysis software consists of scripts for the statistics package R.

Now we'd like to take the next step and use the capability of R to communicate with semantic databases to store and retrieve not only our data, but any trajectory data of the form (coordinate:time). To this end, we'd like to partner with groups which have expertise in semantic databases, and would allow us to deposit our data in their databases, ideally together with one or more groups who are using trajectory data, but from different experiments. To round the project up, we'd be immensely lucky if we could find additional partners which would be interested in linking genetic or anatomy data from Drosophila to our behavioral database.

Is there anybody who also thinks this would be a great linked open data project?
Posted on Thursday 09 February 2012 - 10:24:23 comment: 0

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