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My lab:
The revolutionary open access journal PLoS One has now implemented user rating. In what is a first in scientific publishing, you can now rate scientific papers on a 1 to 5 scale in three categories:

  1. Insight: This provides a measure of how thought-provoking a user found an article or how much it advances our scientific understanding. The scale for Insight ranges from 1, Bland, a report which provides no more than an incremental advance on the published literature; to 5, Profound, a report which substantially deepens or alters current thinking.
  2. Reliability: This provides a measure of how secure a user feels the results and conclusion in a study are. The scale for Reliability ranges from 1, Tenuous, the study is preliminary and will need confirmation; to 5, Unassailable, the results are of high quality, the reasoning is tight, and the conclusions are completely solid.
  3. Style: This provides a measure of how well performed and presented a user considers a study to be. The scale for Style ranges from 1, Crude, the technical accomplishment and presentation of the study is adequate at best; to 5, Elegant, the study satisfyingly presents the results of technically accomplished and expertly executed experiments.

The three ratings are averaged for a combined rating and every rating can be accompanied by a comment. For more detailed instructions go and see here.

I only wonder who is going to dare to rate a paper at all if not a 5 in all categories...

So what are you waiting for? Go and head on over to our PLoS One paper on spontaneous behavior and rate it (and don't forget to leave a comment, too!).
Posted on Wednesday 11 July 2007 - 15:27:02 comment: 0

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