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My lab:
I just came across a post from Coturnix in which he refers to a nice little piece of software which uses Google Scholar to calculate some citation statistics. I went and downloaded Publish or Perish right away and tried it on the citations to my own papers. Obviously the software can only be as good as Google Scholar. And since Google Scholar makes misakes, there will be mistakes in the final statistics. For instance, Google Scholar treats at least 2 of my publications as 4, i.e. some spelling error or other problem splits the citations for one paper into two. This artificially increases the number of my publications, but decreases the number of citations per paper. I like the software, though and if it had a function for correcting Google Scholar errors, it would be an oustanding and extremely useful application. Excluding self-citations would also be a good thing. For now, it seems like doing manual citation statistics is still your safest bet.
Either way, I like it! Go and try it!
Posted on Thursday 04 October 2007 - 17:21:13 comment: 0

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